Laundry, dishes, cleaning, lecturing children, wiping butts, spanking butts, and cooking dinner for family are some of the few things we do as mothers. We are caregivers who are forever giving out to our families, friends, and even other peoples children. Moms, before we take on the never ending load of caring for our families, we must first take care of ourselves. Yes, I know we heard it over, and over, simple, but yet some of us struggle with it. Something as simple like a hot bubble bath with candles, buying that sweet perfume that you have been wanting, or getting those chic pair of shoes you just gotta have. Whatever it is, make time to do it. How can you care for others when you are not taking care of yourself? Not just physically, but even mentally. Mothers and even mothers to be, you need to start having "Mommy Time." When you care for yourself it shows and people respect that. Matter of fact, most people treat you according to how you look. Yeah, I know it's not right, but that's how society is. Don't look tired and worn out. Try and look neat and fresh at all times even if you are wearing the same pair of jeans or sweats over and over. Make sure you smell good too.
Moms, don't lose yourself or your fashion in motherhood (I did, but I'm back on track). It's so easy to get lost in little Johnny's soccer, Susan's piano lessons, PTO meetings, homework, school projects, drama, tap, ballet, swimming, planning birthday parties, husband's and household needs! It's so easy to throw on the same ole sweats that you wear just about everyday...and your hair is probably all slicked back in a ponytail. Why? You are probably being pulled left and right from family, so it's convenient, fast, quick and easy. NOT! Whatever or however you do it, be CUTE. I admire ladies who have children and their hair is on point, make up fresh (if they are wearing any), clothes are sharp, sassy pair of shoes and more importantly they have a good attitude. I love it! They encourage me to keep it up. I try to be that Hott Momma and I think I'm doing pretty good (however, I do have my off days, lol).
Don't fall into the rut of things. Do you! Let the family know that you are having 'mommy time or me time.' You'll rediscover yourself all over again.
Whatever it is that you like to do or been wanting to do, start planning and make it happen!